Home Page



smileyWelcome to the Fox Class page!smiley


Fox Class is the name of our Year 2 class.  Mrs Mizen is the teacher Mon-Wed and Mrs Deeks is the teacher Thurs-Fri. Mrs Boldero is our teaching assistant. Our day starts at 8.45 and finishes at 3.15 with drop off and pick up both from the pupil gate. 


We have PE on a Thursday. Children are to come into school on this day in their outdoor PE kit.

Outdoor kits and wellies can be kept in school for outdoor learning sessions which happen throughout each term.

The children will be encouraged to choose a book from the library every Friday which is specifically for parents to read to their child. We shall also have books in class which the teachers will read to the children. Individual reading books are now kept at school which the children read every day and 3 times a week to an adult. We encourage children to read their own books at home also.

There may also be some extra home tasks set for Science or History so please do keep checking on google classroom for activities. Practising their 10x, 5x and 2x table will also be beneficial as we try to climb up our class Times Table Mountain. Each Monday we try the minute challenge to see if we can move up to the next level. 
Do please get in touch with us if you need to ask about any of this information but we will endeavour to send out a class newsletter each term to expand on these.
Thank you for your support! 😊
Fox Class Team 











Times Tables


By the end of Year 2 we aim to know our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Feel free to print off these games to play to help practise!


Fox Class Long Term Plans

 Useful links 
Google Translate
Google Search