Welcome to Year 3 Squirrel Class!
Ms Coetzee is the teacher for Squirrel Class and Mrs Mayhew covers PPA on a Tuesday. Mrs Borley is the teaching assistant.
The Squirrel Class Team are looking forward to an exciting year with lots of fun learning. We hope the children are excited too! We will be exploring the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, investigating rocks, soils and fossils, learning French greetings and much more in our learning journey together. Explore the Long Term Plan below to find out more about our learning.
We have PE every Monday with Mr Green and Wednesday afternoons every other week, so please ask that the children come to school in their PE kit. Forest School sessions will run every two weeks on a Wednesday afternoon.
We encourage reading for pleasure, so whether this is reading the borrowing book from school or an alternative book at home we hope the children will enjoy their reading time every day.
All the children have a Times Tables Rock Stars, Numbots and Matheletics login to support their maths development, so please try to practice one of these at home every day.
There may also be some additional home tasks and activities for the children to try at home that will support them in making the best progress possible.
Squirrel Class Team