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Writing at home

Writing at home

If you're stuck for ideas on what to write about you could visit everyday where you'll find a picture for inspiration. Don't forget those capital letters and full stops! If your target is to edit your work, maybe you could find a blue pen of power at home! 

You might like to keep a diary of what you get up to whilst you're not at school. 

The year 1 and 2 common exception words can be found here, how many can you read? How many can you spell? 

Here is the poster we use in class to help with letter formation. By the end of year 2 we try to use joining tails in preparation for joined writing in year 3. 
If you're wanting to practise your spag skills (spelling, punctuation and grammar) then you might like to try these spag mats. They vary in difficulty from 1* to 3*. 

If you'd like to look at a punctuation and grammar SATs paper, here is one from a previous year.

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