Science - where we find out about the things around us. Learning and improving our knowledge and understanding of the natural world based on collection of observational evidence. The children learn about such things as plants and animals including humans, the seasonal changes, forces, energy, types of materials and their uses.
Science Curriculum
Science in our school provides opportunity for children to explore aspects of nature including seasons and other natural phenomenon; find out about Earth, space, and the universe and their place in it; question and explore why things happen and how things work; debate and question ‘big’ ideas such as evolution; develop a sense of ‘awe’ and ‘wonder’ about the world around them. Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in science. We want our pupils to develop a love for science that allows them to explore and understand the world around them, learn to ask scientific questions and instil in them an awareness of how science is relevant not just in their day to day lives but begin to appreciate the way in which science will affect the future on a national and global level.
Science is taught in a range of different ways across the Key Stages. Outdoor spaces can be used to let children explore science outdoors, especially in EYFS and KS1. Practical lessons are encouraged and used to facilitate development of children’s enquiry skills. PLAN matrices (from ASE The Association for Science Education) are be used to support planning and assessment.
Through our curriculum we will support the children to develop a secure science understanding and appreciate the relevance of science to themselves and the world around them.
The children will enjoy and be enthused about science. They will not only acquire the appropriate age- related knowledge linked to the science curriculum, but also skills which equip them to progress from their starting points, and within their everyday lives.
Children will be able to:
SLT and governors are kept up to date with any development in science through action plans, subject reports and meetings.
Useful websites:
Kids National Geographic is a good website for finding out all about geography, science, nature and history.
NASA Kids club - want to learn all about space and the universe click the link below
WOW Science - lots of science games, activities and videos
Learn all about birds
The wildlife watch has lots of information, activities and events that you can participate in.