Hello, we are the Road Safety Team at Great Barton Primary Academy. We work to help to raise awareness of road safety in our school and work with the local community.
Latest News:
We are proud to announce we have achieved our Bronze (Good Travel Plan) Modeshift Stars award for 2024.
This takes a lot of work from the JRSOs and the whole school community. The JRSOs think of initiatives and decide how to promote and run them. We would like to thank the wider school community who help us during these initiatives and lead to us achieving a nationally recognised award.
On Tuesday 5th March 2024 we were interviewed live on BBC Radio Suffolk about anti-idling.
On the week of 18th September 2023, we joined Travel Wise week and encouraged all of our families to travel to school in an environmentally friendly mode of travel. We also organised a scavenger hunt during lunchtimes for everyone in the school (which was very popular) and then on Friday 22nd, we asked our parents to join World Car-Free Friday.
You may have noticed us on the gate on Wednesday morning? We were taking a tally of the numbers of cars parked, as well as the number of moving vehicles in front of school. We recorded 51 parked cars and 56 moving cars. We noticed a lot of people were walking, scootering and cycling too.
On Friday morning, we made a tally of the same thing and recorded 21 parked cars and 25 moving cars. And the numbers of walkers, 'scooter-ers' and cyclists increased too!
We were over the moon to see that so many people supported our initiative and chose to "travel wisely" by walking, cycling and scootering to school.
We are planning to repeat this, or something similar, later on in the term to see if we can improve even more on these numbers.
Thank you again for your support - we, and the environment, have benefitted from our families travelling wisely!
Keep Moving Suffolk Walking Challenge
Walk to School Week Monday 16th to Friday 20th May
On the 16th of May till the 20th of May we are having a walk to school week. In that week we would like you to walk,cycle or scoot to school as much as you can during that week.
You can park and stride if you would like to. You can park at the village hall or the freedom church. Each class will be joining in with walking to school week.
The teacher in your class will give you sticker if you walked, cycled or scooted to school that day. You will stick it on your class sticker chart for walk to school week.
This is not just our school involved with this it is the whole of Suffolk. We do this every year which helps stop pollution and is good for your mental health and lets you notice more wild life, flowers and nature.
From the Junior Road Safety Team.
31st December 2021
We are really proud to announce that our school has been re-accredited with Modeshift Stars at the Bronze level. This recognition lasts for one year, so all the JRSOs hard work, and yours supporting them, has achieved this award. We are hoping to continue with new initiatives to improve road safety and sustainable travel to our school and apply for Silver this academic year. Thanks to you all!
Walking Safely - Road Safety Competition
The Junior Road Safety Team organised and set up a competition for the children to complete over their half term holiday. They were proud to announce the winners today in Greatness Worship:
Key Stage One - Lucy (Robin), Libby (Fox) and Sebi (Fox)
Key Stage Two - Isla (Squirrel)
The JRSOs were very impressed with the entries and it was very tricky to choose winners! Everyone who entered received a road safety sticker.
Here are the winning designs.
Thank you, to all the parents/carers and pupils, who really made an extra effort this morning to walk to school. The Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO) told me they saw lots more people walking or scooting this morning.
Keep it up Great Barton School!
Fluorescent Fridays
Wear your school uniform but on Fridays try and wear some brightly coloured accessories so you can be seen by other road users on your way to school.
Great Barton Village Hall committee have given us permission to use their car park as part of our “Park and Stride” scheme. You can park and stride on any day you’d like, but we would like to encourage ‘Walking Wednesdays’ from now until the end of this term. The car park will be open from 8.30am and again at 2.45pm