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Welcome to the Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) section.


All members of our school community are members of the PTFA. The PTFA committee, a group of representatives from the school community, is elected at the annual general meeting held each autumn term. The committee is responsible for planning and organising events throughout the year, as well as discussing items of interest relating to school development.


To contact us please email

Our heartfelt thanks goes to the PTFA, for their unwavering support in vital fundraising for our pupils.  If it wasn't for their dedication, hard-work and generosity we would not be able to provide some of the things we have been able to over the years.  We are lucky to have so many enjoyable events, which are so beneficial to the whole school community.

Our most recent project funded by the PTFA: A new library September 2020

Each class has at least one representative who is responsible for passing information to other parents and for encouraging support for events.

We run a 100 Club (small local lottery) to raise money for replacement reading books. If you would like to join, please find the form below. This needs to be returned to school and we will pass it on to the PTFA treasurer. You could be a winner so give it a go!

PTFA reps 2023-2024

PTFA 100 Club Form

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