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Our Values in action

Our value this half term is Friendship

Summer 2024


Our home school values competition this half term is all about friendship.


You have a choice – you can either:


Make a friendship flower and write on each petal of the flower “what makes a good friend”
Make a friendship bracelet for someone and describe what makes that person a good friend.



The entries will be displayed on the collective worship board in school.


The closing date for entries is  Monday 20th May 2024




Our Christian Values

Collective Worship is practiced daily at Great Barton.  Mrs Ratley leads collective worship for the school and works closely with the children and teachers as well as members of the local churches to deliver collective worship.  A typical week is:


Monday - Whole School Worship

Tuesday - Sing Praise

Wednesday - Whole school worship (this is led by Father Ben)

Thursday - "Open the Book" or School Council worship

Friday - Greatness worship (led by year 6 where we celebrate the class achievements)


We use the Imaginor Roots and Fruits materials to support our Worship.  We focus on a number of Christian Values across the terms.  Please click on the document above to see which values we focus on.  

The CWL Team

The CWL (Collective Worship Leaders) team work with Mrs Ratley to help to plan Collective Worship for the school.  They offer their ideas for how Collective Worship can be developed; help to lead worship and come up with ideas for the whole school to live out our Christian values in action.


Our team consists of the following children:


Owl Class:  We are waiting for their nominations

Robin Class: Aila and Frank

Fox Class: Robyn and Toby

Squirrel Class: Libby and Maisie

Badger Class: Tabitha-Lily and Raif

Hare Class: Esme and Harry

Osprey Class: Beth and Jackson


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