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Useful Information

For information about individual classes, please see the children's section under which you will find the pages for each class.

The information on this page was last updated on 17th June 2024

General Organisation


Class organisation

Year Group

Class Teacher

Owl Class (Reception)

Robin Class

Fox Class

Squirrel Class

Badger Class

Hare Class

Osprey Class

Early Years (aged 4 to 5)

Year 1 (aged 5 to 6)

Year 2 (aged 6 to 7)

Year 3 (aged 7 to 8)

Year 4 (aged 8 to 9)

Year 5 (aged 9 to 10)

Year 6 (aged 10 to 11)

Mrs Green/Mrs Mayhew

Mrs Larke/Miss Coetzee

Mrs Mizen/Mrs Deeks

Miss Coetzee/Mrs Bonsall

Miss Pizzey/Mrs Millin

Mrs Power

Mr Vaughton


Class sizes currently vary between 28 and 30 pupils.  30 is our maximum intake number per year group.  Pupils move up a year at a time and year groups are kept together.


Sessions Times


School Sessions



Early Years (part-time) Owl Class

Early Years (full-time) Owl Class

Year 1 Robin Class

Year 2 Fox Class

Year 3 Squirrel Class

Year 4 Badger Class

Year 5 Hare Class

Year 6 Osprey Class

8.50am – 12.00 noon

8.50am – 12.10pm

8.50am – 12.10pm

8.50am – 12.10pm

8.50am – 12.30pm

8.50am – 12.30pm

8.50am – 12.30pm

8.50am – 12.30pm


1.15pm – 3.15pm

1.15pm – 3.15pm

1.15pm – 3.15pm

1.30pm – 3.15pm

1.30pm – 3.15pm

1.30pm – 3.15pm

1.30pm – 3.15pm


Arrival and Departure


Children are expected to come straight into the classroom between 8.40am and 8.50am.  Parents/carers are also welcome to come into the classroom at this time, to talk to the class teacher or to help their own child.  We encourage children to be as independent as possible, however, and to take responsibility for morning routines such as hanging coats, putting book bags away and so on.


The pupil gate is opened at 8.40am and is closed promptly at 8.55.  The classroom doors are opened at 8.45.  Any pupil who arrives after 8.55am is marked as ‘late’.  Any pupil who arrives after 9.10am without reason will be marked as absent (unauthorised).  Children who arrive after 8.55am (after registration has finished) must report to the main office so that they can be marked as present before going to their classrooms.


At the end of the school day, the gate is opened at 3.10 and children are dismissed from their classrooms at 3.15.  Children are expected to wait in their classrooms to be collected by their parent, unless they travel by mini-bus, attend a club/Pathways or have written permission to walk home independently (Years 5 and 6 only)


No responsibility can be accepted by the school for children on the premises or within the school grounds before 8.40am or after 3.15pm, unless in groups organised by teaching staff or with adults running after-school clubs.




Parents are advised to park on the school side of School Road, at either end of the parking restriction markings.  Please bring children into school through the gate at the side of the school, not the main gate.  We should be grateful if all parents would avoid turning in School Road as the volume of traffic is high at arrival and collection times and we need to minimise the risk to pedestrians, especially young children who cannot be seen easily when crossing the road.


Great Barton Free Church has kindly agreed to the use of their parking area in Mill Road for parents/carers and pupils who would like to park and walk and we strongly encourage parents to do so to minimise the congestion in School Road.  Please ensure that children are carefully supervised as they cross Mill Road, especially during the morning rush hour.


With the re-location of the crossing on the A143, we have set up a Park and Stride route to school, whereby parents can park in the village hall car park and walk to school from there.  Please ensure that you do not park in any residential areas when dropping off or picking up and just in the designated parking areas described above.


Walking to school is strongly encouraged to keep our children safe and to promote sustainable travel, which is good for both physical and mental health.


Keep fit!

To reduce congestion outside school, families who live within walking distance of the school are asked to walk or cycle to school with their children, while those who live further away are asked to share transport, whenever possible, park at Great Barton Free Church in Mill Road or the village hall car park.



Bicycles/scooters may be ridden to school, but not within the school grounds.  Covered cycle sheds and a ‘Minipod’ are available for bicycles/scooters during school time.  Parents are reminded that they are solely responsible for their children’s safety, if they choose this mode of transport.  The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to bicycles/scooters left on the school site.





School sweatshirt

School sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan

Grey trousers (long or short)

Grey skirt or grey pinafore dress or grey trousers (of a sensible length) or tailored, sensible grey shorts (not too tight or short)

White/blue polo shirt or white/blue shirt

Blue and white summer dress

Grey socks

White/blue polo shirt or white/blue blouse

Sensible black shoes (trainers for PE)

Grey or white socks or tights


Sensible black shoes (no mules or heels higher than 3cm) (trainers for PE)

Waterproof coat and trousers (or all-in-one) for Forest School and other outdoor lessons.

Wellington Boots for wet weather activities.

Waterproof coat and trousers (or all-in-one) for Forest School and other outdoor lessons

Wellington Boots for wet weather activities.



All clothes should be clearly marked with child’s name, please.


Pupils should not wear:-

  • Fashion hair-styles, which draw undue attention to the pupil, including dyed hair or patterns shaved into the hair.
  • Nail varnish
  • Friendship bracelets, necklaces or other jewellery
  • ‘Over the top’ hair accessories
  • Hair styling products, including gel, mousse or hair spray
  • Tattoos


Pupils may only wear simple stud earrings and only on condition that they are able to remove them themselves for PE, Games and Swimming.


PE, Games and Swimming





PE (in the hall)

T-shirts and shorts

Bare feet

T-shirts and shorts (or leotard)

Bare feet

Games (outdoor PE)

T-shirt and shorts

Trainers (not expensive ones) for outdoors

Track suit or extra sweater in cold weather (optional)

T-shirt and shorts

Trainers (not expensive ones) for outdoors

Track suit or extra sweater in cold weather (optional)


Swimming trunks (not Bermuda shorts) Swimming hat


One-piece swimming costume

Swimming hat



Pupils do not need talcum powder or deodorant for use after swimming.


Everything needs to be clearly named please.



Pupils need to bring a coat, even if it is sunny when they leave home in the morning, in case the weather changes during the day.

Snow/very wet weather – pupils are only allowed to play in the snow if they have Wellington boots at school (named please).

Sun – Pupils are encouraged to wear sun hats or legionnaire hats at playtimes when it is sunny and apply sun cream.

Birthdays - non-uniform


Children are invited to wear a top or jumper of their choice to celebrate their birthdays.

If a child's birthday falls at the weekend or during a holiday, please choose a day either side of the weekend/holiday instead.

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