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English and Maths is usually set every Friday.

English to be handed in the following Wednesday and Maths to be handed in the following Friday.


Mathletics -tasks set Weekly (usually on a Wednesday)

Please aim to achieve a minimum score of 80%. If you don't manage this first time, have another go.

Remember to ask if you need help.


Reading- Please remember to read every day


Times Tables-  Children will sit a timed, times table challenge every Monday and are set the target to improve their score over time. Times tables should be practised several times a week at home using Times Tables Rock Stars or other preferred methods.

Times Table Club is on a Thursday lunchtime for those finding it difficult to practise at home.


Remember to record your homework in your Homework Journal (with a reminder of when it is due).

Please also record when you read or complete a homework task in your Homework Journal -these will be checked regularly at school.


Remember not to leave homework until the night before it is due and to ask for help if you are stuck!

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