Pupils launch a new Clean Air project at the school
Pupils launched an anti-idling campaign at the school on Friday 31st January, led by our new school Air Quality Experts: the Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) and Eco Team. At a whole-school assembly that day, pupils learnt about air pollution, how it affects health, why children are especially vulnerable to the effects of pollution, and how they can reduce their exposure to pollution.
The JRSOs and Eco Team also attended a workshop where they practised talking to (pretend) drivers and asking them to switch off, and created some fantastic posters to discourage idling and encourage cleaner air at the school (see the pictures attached). At the end of the school day, pupils and staff put on high vis vests, and asked drivers to switch off their engines if they were idling near the school at pick-up time. So convincing were the pupils, that 100% of the drivers that they spoke to switched off. They did a fantastic job! The pupils really enjoyed the experience and will hopefully be doing it again soon.
The school, The Eco Team and the JRSOs appreciate your help and support with this campaign to switch off engines for cleaner air.
The assembly and the training workshop were delivered with the support of West Suffolk Council.